Forum Discussion

rmd1023's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 02, 2017

Using the same 3rd party certificate for two devices in a device group?

I currently use self-signed certificates on my cluster of LTMs running 11.5.3. I would like to install 3rd party certificates.


If I generate a certificate that has subject alternative names that include the individual hostnames for the two devices as well as the name of the floating IP, can I apply that certificate to both devices? Or will the device group sync have a problem with sharing a cluster with a device that has the same certificate?


So if my two devices are "" and "" and the name of the floating IP is "", I'd have a certificate for with and as SANs and I would install the same cert/key pair on both devices.




  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    This article offers some background on the various device certificates. In short, the DSC certificates are different than the Configuration utility certificates. I believe (hope) you are going to be installing the certificate to access the Configuration utility?



    Hope this helps! Kevin