Forum Discussion

jerm1020_254086's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 08, 2016

upgrading from 11.5.3 to 12.1.0 do's and dont's

I have a request from a customer to upgrade their F5 from the 11.5.3 to 12.1.0. I wanted to ask if there are any do's or dont's to ensure this goes as smoothly as possible. Is there any kind of best practice for this or is it as simple and cut and dry as it seems? Do I need to reactivate the licensing afterwards? Any and all information or guidance is very much appreciated


  • I always read the release note before any of the upgrade, and i think its very important. Here is link to 12.X release notes


    We are having 11.5.1 and thought of moving to 12.X but just on hold as as per information received from F5 support, the local logging is disabled in 12.X.X. However I still need to cross check. You should have your remote logging working flawlessly to engage into 12.X. My logging has got some issue as we are replacing our existing SIEM.




  • Always re-activate the license prior to upgrade. I've done several upgrades to 12.0 without incident. We haven't moved to 12.1 yet but I doubt there is much difference.


  • See this for license reactivation:


    Back up configuration in F5 & on a separate server/laptop.