Forum Discussion

HM_U333's avatar
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Aug 12, 2022

Unable to Install Software image on vCMP Host

Issue: Unable to install Software image on Host.

Error: Failed 'troubleshooting'.

Possible Issues:

1. File permission should be 644 level. Run below command.

chmod 644 <file name>


2. Check 'liveinstall.log' to see any error.

Command: # less liveinstall.log.0 | grep -B 3 -A 3 Installing

You will see error similar below.

Active:Standalone] log # less liveinstall.log.0 | grep -B 3 -A 3 Installing
progress: 4/100
progress: 6/100
info: Creating target filesystems.
info: Installing packages.
error: tm_install::Process::Process_full_install -- predicted size for BIGIP16131 is 14875024 and vg has 13221888 remaining.
Terminal error: Disk full (volume group). See SOL#10636
*** Live install end at 2022/08/10 12:32:40: failed (return code 255) ***


Solution: Increase the space as you see below error in log.

Terminal error: Disk full (volume group). See SOL#10636

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