Forum Discussion

Anthony's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 08, 2016

UCS install failing on RMA device

I've had a new unit delivered to replace a failed unit. I've got a UCS backup from the old unit, and when I attempt to install it with the procedure (tmsh load sys ucs your_ucs_file no-license) outlined in: but the install fails with the below output (device name omitted for security):

        [root@:Active] config  tmsh load sys ucs /var/local/ucs/-160703.ucs no-license
        Processing UCS file: /var/local/ucs/-160703.ucs

        Installing full UCS (11.2.1) data, excluding license file.
        Saving active configuration...
        The hostname is set to 
        Extracting manifest: /var/local/ucs/-160703.ucs
        Product : BIG-IP
        Platform: Mercury
        Version : 11.2.1
        Installing --full-- configuration on host 
        Installing configuration...

        WARNING: There were one or more errors detected during installation.
                 Check the error messages and take the proper actions if needed.
        ERROR: UCS installation failed.
        Operation aborted.
        The configuration has been restored...
        [root@:Standby] config  

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated on this!

Many thanks


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Is the platform the same? Can you check var/log/ltm to see if there are any more details? Finally, is this device part of a HA pair? if so then i'd configure the base networking and then do a configsync from the active. if not then this is, obivously, not available to you as an option.


  • [root@:Active] - Is your box running on 10.x ? No-license is a 11.x syntax.


    You need to 1st configure the box.


    Then install the 11.x base version if thats what your old box was. Then proceed with loading the ucs


  • Thanks for the reply. Both units (new/old) are 3600s. It is part of an HA pair, but this one is currently in office for me to configure. I had assumed that I could get the config loaded on it before installing it to the rack in the datacentre and bringing it online.


  • It would appear to be that the UCS was duff!!


    I pulled an older UCS backup from before we attempted to upgrade and ran into trouble, and it installed correctly. After numerous installs/switchboots/reboots, I now have the new unit at a state where I can take it to the datacentre.