Forum Discussion

Sajid's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Sep 15, 2019

The client's IP address changed while the session was in progress.

SAML Authentication Error   Your session cloud not be established   The client's IP address changed while the session was in progress.
  • Sajid's avatar
    Sep 15, 2019

    I have disabled this option on the APM Profile (issue fixed).


    Select the Restrict to Single Client IP check box to restrict the current session to a single IP address. This setting associates the session ID with the IP address. You must select the associated Custom check box before you can configure this setting. With this setting enabled, upon a request to the session, if the IP address has changed, the request is redirected to a logout page, the session ID is deleted, and a log entry is written to indicate that a session hijacking attempt was detected. If such a redirect is not possible, the request is denied and the same events occur.