Forum Discussion

Peter_L_71637's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2016

Strange error in LTM.log

Sinds two days i have a unknown error in my ltm log:


err chmand[5520]: 012a0003:3: ledSet failed : Mux write failure : File annun/MGACpldLedSvc.cpp Line 212 err chmand[5520]: 012a0003:3: ledSet failed : Mux write failure : File annun/MGACpldLedSvc.cpp Line 212 err chmand[5520]: 012a0003:3: ledSet failed : Mux write failure : File annun/MGACpldLedSvc.cpp Line 212 notice chmand[5520]: 012a0005:5: Tmstat::updateSens: HAL SenSvc error: Mux write failure


If any one seen this message before please let me know, otherwise i have to create a F5 ticket.


Greeting Peter


  • Sounds like the LED panel (and status lights) has stopped responding. If your BigIP platform has a screen, try using the keypad on the front to confirm whether it has locked up, and if so, reboot it, and run an EUD to test the hardware. If that identifies any failures, or you can't resolve the issue by rebooting, log a ticket with F5.