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Maikel_Mantilla's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 10, 2018

Stop iControl logging entries in Local Traffic on F5

Hello I am using Powershell to run a script against my F5s and everytime the script runs I get the following log entry in the Local Traffic. Is there a way to stop logging for iControl calls to the F5?


Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_version, action=urn:iControl:System/SystemInfo Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_version, action=urn:iControl:System/SystemInfo Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_hostname, action=urn:iControl:System/Inet Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_system_information, action=urn:iControl:System/SystemInfo Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_hardware_information, action=urn:iControl:System/SystemInfo Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_all_software_status, action=urn:iControl:System/SoftwareManagement Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_provisioned_list, action=urn:iControl:Management/Provision Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_failover_status, action=urn:iControl:Management/DeviceGroup Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_product_information, action=urn:iControl:System/SystemInfo Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=set_active_folder, action=urn:iControl:System/Session Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=set_recursive_query_state, action=urn:iControl:System/Session Fri Aug 10 03:34:09 UTC 2018infoNCRASHNLB01soap[9133] src=, user=report, method=get_certificate_list, action=urn:iControl:Management/KeyCertificate


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    which version you are running? If it is 13.1.x then there is no way to do that. SOAP logging was enabled by default since and there is no way to turn it off but you may to screen them out using syslog config.




    modify sys syslog include 'filter f_local0 {facility(local0) and not match(", method=get_version");}; '


    You can use your own value to create the filter.


  • My guess is that you have logging level set to non default value which is none,

    tmsh list /sys db icontrol.loglevel value

    Set it to none if its not in none already,

    tmsh modify /sys db icontrol.loglevel value none
    tmsh restart /sys service httpd