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bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 26, 2015

ssl offloading question

Hey guys,


Silly question not sure why I am guessing myself here. But, on the LTM the ssl profile - client and in the certificates that get uploaded to the ltms, they contain only the private key and cert correct ? and there is no public that gets stored on the LTM ?




  • When viewing the "key" of the cert, that is the private key. When viewing the "certificate", that is your public key. Keys(Private key) does not get generated by the cert(public key), its the other way around. You generate a private key. Then you create a CSR using that private key to request a corresponding public key to be issue from a CA(certificate authority).


  • when you say public are you referring to the public intermediates and roots or your public key(certificate)?
  • Hello,


    Your generic client profile SSL is made up of the basic four settings/items: server cert, server key (private key), ca chain, defaults-from.


    Take Care


    • bigipjr28_13978's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      In general, the certificates that get uploaded to the ltms..the keys that get created from the cert. In the key tab I think when viewing the that the public or private key? I thought the f5 only holds the private key?
  • DEJ's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    Your generic client profile SSL is made up of the basic four settings/items: server cert, server key (private key), ca chain, defaults-from.


    Take Care


    • bigipjr28_13978's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      In general, the certificates that get uploaded to the ltms..the keys that get created from the cert. In the key tab I think when viewing the that the public or private key? I thought the f5 only holds the private key?