Forum Discussion

Srijana_137175's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 18, 2015

SSL client profile

I am a beginner in F5 ltm and need help in troubleshooting please.


How can i check if one SSL client profile(ABC) is being used in any Virtual Server in LTM? I would like to know the Vs so that i can check the hits on it.


  • Hi This command does not work.


    @DRG-LB01-L01E(Active)(tmos.ltm) virtual? Components: virtual virtual-address


  • Hi This command does not work.


    @DRG-LB01-L01E(Active)(tmos.ltm) virtual? Components: virtual virtual-address


  • try this list ltm virtual "//" one-line | grep ABC that works for me if I replace ABC with the Profile name that I'm looking for. This also searches in multiple partitions.


  • That should work the grep data is case sensitive and must match the profile name and case. You should even be able to just part of the profile name. I'm on 11.5.1 hf4 code but I'm not sure that matters.


  • what about something like this?

    [root@ve11c:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh list ltm virtual all profiles
    ltm virtual bar {
        profiles {
            clientssl {
                context clientside
            http {
                context all
            tcp {
                context all
    ltm virtual fwd {
        profiles {
            fastL4 {
                context all
    [root@ve11c:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh list ltm virtual all one-line | grep clientssl | cut -d' ' -f3