Forum Discussion

GerryDaly_31382's avatar
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Apr 02, 2017

Sql sessions

Can I use an irulè to monitor the number of sql connections from a loadbalanced pool server to the sql dbase server and then remove server from the pool when sql connections are excessive. Then move back in to pool when connections have reduced?


  • You don't need an irule to set the maximum limit of concurrent connections to a pool member, instead you can edit the pool member properties and set the "Connection Limit" setting to your desired value. This is what the help says:


    Connection Limit


    Specifies a maximum established connection limit for a pool member or node. When the current connections count reaches this number, the system does not send additional connections to that pool member or node. The default is 0, meaning that there is no limit to the number of connections.


    In addition, if the pool member reaches the connection limit, it will be marked in the GUI with a yellow triangle icon (instead of blue square or green circle) meaning that it is unavailable but may become available without user intervention.