Forum Discussion

T_Kapanka_13663's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 24, 2014

Specifically target an inactive pool member

In our F5 LTM, we have a pool with a failover scenario: one pool member goes down, the other member is made active. What I would like to do is to be able to [somehow magically] access the inactive pool member through the F5.


See, we are doing SSL termination at the F5 and the pool members are not listening on port 443. Therefore, I cannot test an inactive (or lesser priority group) pool member completely. I can set my hosts file to go directly to the inactive pool member, which responds as it should, but I cannot hit it via HTTPS because that transaction is handled through the F5.


I have no idea how one would accomplish this, but I'm hoping it's possible because we use this as a deployment scenario sometimes: prepare the inactive member with new content, then bring down the primary member.


  • What I would like to do is to be able to [somehow magically] access the inactive pool member through the F5.


    is "reverse" setting in health monitor usable? i mean creating another virtual server, pool and assign reverse health monitor to the pool?