Forum Discussion

inayamat_216028's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 11, 2015

Source Address Translation Setting from BIP-IP 9.4.4 to 12.0.0



I wanted to see if these Source Address Translation setting are equivalent:


BIG-IP 12.0.0 Build 0.0.606 Final Source Address Translation: None


BIG-IP 9.4.4 Build 65.1 Final Address Translation: enabled Port Translation: enabled SNAT Pool: None


I'm trying to migrate a virtual server entry off of 9.4.4 to 12.0.0 VE, and came across this address translation setting. I'm thinking because 9.4.4 is not using any SNAT Pool, that Source Address Translation for 12.0.0 should also be set as none.


Thank you


  • Holy large jump batman! But, yes you are heading the right way. The translation settings are equivalent.


  • Holy large jump batman! But, yes you are heading the right way. The translation settings are equivalent.


  • Holy large jump batman! But, yes you are heading the right way. The translation settings are equivalent.