Forum Discussion

adamznguyen's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 09, 2024

SNAT Translation List utility config

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I encountered a case like this:
I created Local Traffice -->'SNAT translation list', before creating SNAT list and SNAT POOL, after creating, some traffic of VS had 504 gateway error, however, the IP and vlan of VS is while the SNAT traslation I created has IP But right after I deleted SNAT, the traffic returned to normal.

In conclusion, everyone, let me ask if creating 'SNAT Translation List" before creating SNAT and SNAT Pool has any effect.
Sincerely thank you,

  • Hi,


    You can configure AutoMap for source nat or you can configure a same ip in the server vlan for resolving the asymmetric routing. 


