Forum Discussion

Nacho_de_Aguina's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 19, 2007

SNAT Pass the source IP to the sever




I have a Virtual Server, of SMTP protocol.


The problem is that in the log mail servers i see that all the connections are from the VS, and i cannot see the IP of the client.



So is there any way to pass the source Ip of the client to the mail server (thorugh the BIGIP)



I have configured the VS with SNAT in AUTO mode.



I don´t know how to solve this problems. Does anybody help me?



Thanks in advance



Best regards
  • Tom_Spector_50's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The only thing missing from the solution is to configure the HTTP profile you created in the VS you are using.


    To do that, go to the VS configuration and select the HTTP profile you created as the HTTP profile for this VS.


    I will make sure the solution is updated.





