Forum Discussion
- Philippe_CLOUPEmployee
can you confirm how you "measure" the traffic here ?
is it number of connections (TCP) number of requests per second ? are you using HTTP 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 ?
are you servers using the same stack ?
Some TCP behaviours on your servers can cause one to close connections faster as an example.
Do you have OneConnect activated on serverside ?
sorry for not really answering your question but there are so many parameters to take in account before answering, i prefer having more details before providing some valid points to help you identify the reason of this traffic difference.
- Aswin_mkCumulonimbus
Can you try withe least connect(member) or please provide other details as mentioned above reply. sometime round robin had issues and i tried least connc(member) and its resolved
- ziakhan50Nimbostratus
I tried disabling the node and enabling it back. Still same issue, I tried least connection mode too, same.
- Aswin_mkCumulonimbus
As there is no persistency, I hope there is no persistency entries saved.. please check and confirm if.. if then aswell your load balancing not working expected, I suggested to raise a support ticket including traffic captures and qkview(also I hope you only having basic profiles in vip(http, standard profiles)