Forum Discussion

baldrich_344910's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 26, 2017

Sensitive Parameters in ASM

I have an application that when you make parameters sensitive, it allegedly breaks the application. I need to have confirmation that changing a parameter to sensitive by either adding it in the Parameters area and checking off the Sensitive checkbox or adding it to the Sensitive Parameters area that this should NOT impact traffic flow in any way and that this is only modifying logging behavior. We are using BIG-IP 11.5.4 Build 4.0.313 Hotfix HF4.


  • NAG_65570's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    By Marking a Parameter as Sensitive, it should not have any impact on how Traffic is handled on ASM.


    Could you provide more information on how application is impacted ?


    • baldrich_344910's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I can't say how the application is being impacted exactly, but when login credential parameters are made sensitive parameters, the login to the application breaks. Is there anyway that making those parameters sensitive could affect the actual traffic and not just the logged request?


    • NAG_65570's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Marking Parameters as sensitive will/should not break login.


      When you say login is braking, what is going wrong with login? Is server rejecting credentials or is login page is not loading? Please provide more details on it.


  • It wont impact by enable the sensitive parameters,all ASM just dont log any event related that parameters.


    Thx Srini