Forum Discussion

Vinicius_C_Vale's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 25, 2016

Security Chart Scheduler per Partition

Hello there,


I got an issue trying to create Security Chart Scheduler per Partition, when I go to Security > Charts > Chart Scheduler tab, I cant change the partition of this tab, If I create the schedule there without changing the partition it creates at the default one (Common). If I go to another tab like LTM > Virtual Server, change the partition then get back to the Chart Scheduler tab, It'll create the schedule at the partition I choose at VS. At the CLI I can check it and shows the right info as much as I move the partition and list the charts, but at GUI Charts Scheduler screen it shows all of them, but with no partition, so I cant check if it's created right without going to the CLI, change from partition to partitions listing the charts one by one.


And any of the charts, sends the information of the entire box (all partitions).


Is this right? Is it supposed to work like this or it's not supposed to work at all? May it be a GUI bug? Did anyone saw this behavior before?


root@xxx(Active)(/Common)(tmos) cd /Common/ root@xxx(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list analytics application-security scheduled-report analytics application-security scheduled-report TESTCHART1 { email-addresses { xxxx } first-time 2016-04-25:21:00:00 frequency every-24-hours include-total enabled next-time 2016-04-25:21:00:00 predefined-report-name "/Common/Top alarmed URLs" }


root@xxx(Active)(/Common)(tmos) cd /Cliente1/ root@xxx(Active)(/Cliente1)(tmos) list analytics application-security scheduled-report analytics application-security scheduled-report "Principais URLs" { email-addresses { } first-time 2016-03-16:00:00:00 frequency every-24-hours include-total enabled last-sent-time 2016-04-22:00:01:07 multi-leveled-report { time-diff last-year view-by url } next-time 2016-04-23:00:00:00 partition Cliente1 smtp-config /Common/BR-CIS-REPO-01 }


Platform Name: BIG-IP 4200 Version: 11.4.1


Thanks for the help.



  • Chart scheduler is part of the AVR. It is supposed to reflect what you see via TMSH. From the behavior it seems like a GUI bug. I am not able to find an existing bug ID for this. I would recommend that you submit a support ticket for this.


  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Chart scheduler is part of the AVR. It is supposed to reflect what you see via TMSH. From the behavior it seems like a GUI bug. I am not able to find an existing bug ID for this. I would recommend that you submit a support ticket for this.