Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • It is currently not supported nor is it planned at the moment. Can you please share the use case that you are looking to address with having APM support Name Identifier Management? Thanks.


    • Alan_C__242013's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks Michael, We're in the process of setting up SAML Web SSO with an Identity Provider that requires us to also use the Name Identifier Management profile to manage alias user identities internally. The IdP provides both front and back channel bindings for this. We would likely use the front channel only. Using this IdP, and as a consequence the Name Identifier profile, is not a choose. We have to do this. We're intending to use F5 APM as our SP and would like to not need another product as well just for this.
  • It is currently not supported nor is it planned at the moment. Can you please share the use case that you are looking to address with having APM support Name Identifier Management? Thanks.


    • Alan_C__242013's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks Michael, We're in the process of setting up SAML Web SSO with an Identity Provider that requires us to also use the Name Identifier Management profile to manage alias user identities internally. The IdP provides both front and back channel bindings for this. We would likely use the front channel only. Using this IdP, and as a consequence the Name Identifier profile, is not a choose. We have to do this. We're intending to use F5 APM as our SP and would like to not need another product as well just for this.
  • It is currently not supported nor is it planned at the moment. Can you please share the use case that you are looking to address with having APM support Name Identifier Management? Thanks.


  • Here the list of APM support of SAML 2.0 ("partial support") : sol16497


    Maybe not fully up-to-date as it doesn't mention v12 (?)