Forum Discussion

Dimitri_22758's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 14, 2016

Restore archive after attack signature upgrade

Hi all,


I have created a new archive before attack signature upgrade.


after upgrade, I would like to restore the backup


But I receive the following error


Installing configuration... Installing ASM configuration... Installing the license file... Post-processing... usermod: no changes Restarting tmrouted... Reloading License and configuration - this may take a few minutes... Full configuration has been loaded successfully. Loading ASM configuration... Could not import table DCC_ucs.ACCOUNT_CSRF_URLS_REGEXES data from file - ASM configuration load aborted. ERROR: Failed during loading ASM configuration.


WARNING: There were one or more errors detected during installation. Check the error messages and take the proper actions if needed. ERROR: UCS installation failed. Operation aborted. /var/tmp/configsync.spec: Error installing package Config install aborted. Unexpected Error: UCS loading process failed.


No change was made in the configuration exept the attack signature upgrade


Do you have any idea?


  • It is difficult to say what has caused the issue. You need to open a Support Case with F5, so they could investigate properly. E-mail: