Forum Discussion

forsan_102218's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 01, 2016

Re-starting statsd


After upgrading to TMOS 12.1 I have had issue with the statsd process that is restarting all the time.

[root@bigip:Active:Standalone] log  bigstart status statsd
statsd       run (pid 22933) 0 seconds, 1 start, 29904 restarts
Jun  1 16:55:24 bigip emerg logger: Re-starting statsd

The LTM log show the following error:

Jun 1 16:56:06 bigip err statsd[24242]: 011b020b:3: Error 'Success' scanning buffer '' from file '/var/rrd/'

Jun 1 16:56:06 bigip err statsd[24242]: 011b0826:3: Cluster collection start error.Exitting.

I have tried to stop and start the process manually and also restarted the box, but no change.

I'm running the following modules: LTM + APM + AFM

Anyone got the same issue?

Br Andréas

  • This is somewhat different. I ran into an issue where the big3d was restarting frequently and the following fixed it: big3d Restart


    If that doesn't work, open a case.


  • samuelk_207016's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    sol36405188: Error Message: 011b0826:3: Cluster collection start error.Exitting.