Forum Discussion

Piotr_Lewandows's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jul 28, 2017

Re-activate on VE and failed config load


I had similar issue when adding new vNIC to my VE in a wrong way (Max number of Interfaces VE v13 ESXi 5.1.

This time problem showed up when I did Re-activate of the license. What's more same issue happen two times. First time on one device in DCS cluster, then on the second.

For first occurrence I just gave up looking for fix, just destroyed cluster, restored default config on problematic device and recreated cluster.

But now it seems to be issue that is no just separate accident but rather some kind of trend.

I did such operations dozens of time in the past and never ever experienced such problem.

The only specific factor in this case is, that both devices are managed by BIG-IQ (5.2.0), and I have high suspicions that it is related.

It is VE 13.0.0HF2. After license reactivation situation is like that:

In GUI I have message:

The configuration has not yet loaded. If this message persists, it may indicate a configuration problem.

tmsh load sys config
ends with:

Loading configuration...
Syntax Error:(/config/bigip.conf at line: 4201) single quotes are not balanced

Referenced line in bigip.conf

4199 security dos bot-signature "/Common/T H A T ' S  G O T T A  H U R T" {
4200    category "/Common/Exploit Tool"
4201    rule "headercontent:\"T H A T ' S  G O T T A  H U R T\"; useragentonly; nocase;"
4202    user-defined false
4203 }

BTW - this exactly the same spot reported as when I posted previous problem (Max number of Interfaces VE v13 ESXi 5.1

Rather can not be real reason why config is not loading???

Any ideas what to check, change really appreciated.


  • P_K's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
    1. Did the

      The configuration has not yet loaded. If this message persists, it may indicate a configuration problem.
      pop-up showed up after upgrading to 13.0.0 ??

    2. Did you apply a new reg key or expecting old license to support v13 ??

  • I was doing just Re-activate on device (VE) already running 13.0.0HF2. I need to do that because my temporary license was about to expire. After relicensing device is in described state.


    In case of first device that experienced this issue (same cluster, same TMOS version) I just clicked Re-activate, did not actually apply new Key, after clicking Re-activate device ended in the same state as described. As I already mentioned I did complete rebuild for this device (load sys config default) and recreating HA.


    I would not like tot repeat this and anyway it seems to be some serious bug that is repeating consistently when trying to use Re-activate.




  • P_K's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    okay.. when i had this kind of issue in the past, i had to get new Reg keys from my F5 sales rep to make it work.. But clearly that might not be the problem here.


    When you do the re-activation, is your service date changing to new date??


  • Well, this is not licensing issue, show sys license shows that new license is active and valid (and recall that I was not activating new key on other device).


    Notice as well that almost exactly the same situation occurred when I tried to add more interfaces in a wrong way to my VE.


    Something is very wrong with v13.0.0 :-(


    As well when I did rebuild on previous device license was valid and active.




  • P_K's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Perhaps fixable if you talk to Support.. Anyhow its 13.0 , obviously i expect lot of bugs. I heard a stable 13.1.1 is releasing this October.


  • Thanks for help. Probably will just do rebuild - will be faster :-)


    Just hoped that someone experienced such issue and found solution, seems than not :-(


    Good to know that 13.1.1 is on the way, problem is if it will indeed be stable.

