Forum Discussion

raju_74922's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2015

question related to SSL certificate

I have recently uploaded new certificate on F5. Client is running cybersource application on servver. how can i confirm the certificate is supporting SSLv3 or not.


  • You certificate directly does not support SSLv3 as this is the SSL protocol version, on the LTM cli run the following: tmm --clientciphers DEFAULT


    This will show a list of ciphers the F5 will allow by default. Check the client SSL profile 'Ciphers' is set to 'DEFAULT'.


    By default F5 LTM does not allow SSLv3, if you need to enable is under the client SSL profile change the 'Ciphers' (need to show 'Advanced' view on the Web GUI) to the following 'DEFAULT:SSLv3'