Forum Discussion

Cristian_Daniel's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 20, 2015

ProxyPass iRule failing reading content on data group

The ProxyPass ver 10.9 has issues on retrieving the information stored on the data groups I got this error when trying to load the iRule (in the GUI the iRule loads but when I try the command tmsh load sys config not):


Code[root@asmjs2:Active:Standalone] config  zmore /var/log/ltm* | grep missing
Code Jan 15 14:37:18 asmjs2 err mcpd[7566]: 01070151:3: Rule [/Common/rule_proxypass] error: /Common/rule_proxypass:79: error: [parse error: missing close-bracket][[URI::basename [virtual name]"         if { $static::ProxyPassDebug > 1 } {            log local0. "[virtual name]: [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]"        }]
Code[root@asmjs2:Active:Standalone] config  

The line 75 has this command:


Code    set serverside [string trimleft [getfield $ppass " " 2 ] "{" ]
  • Sorry the error is this: /Common/rule_proxypass:50: warning: [unmatched closing character][}]
  • Try escaping the

    character on that line and see if that helps.

    set serverside [string trimleft [getfield $ppass " " 2 ] "\{" ]