Forum Discussion

hunghsingchin's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Dec 05, 2023

prober pool Round Robin with multi health monitors and with multi prober pool members

I have a question about The GTM monitors and prober pools:

In my case,  I have three datacenters, three gtm(one in each DC), and one prober pool, the prober pool include all three GTM,  and the prober pool was set to use Round Robin. And two vs, vs1 and vs2 in different DC, each vs was configured two health monitors(each monitor with different porbe interval, eg. vs1's monitors have interval 5s and 7s, vs2's monitors have interval 9s and 11s).

so, my questions is, how does the porber pool Round Robin work?

Looking forward to your help, thank you.

    • hunghsingchin's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      I've already read this article, but it only talk about one health monitor of vs1 adn vs2, what I want to know is, if vs1 assigned 2 or more health monitors(eg. one gateway_icmp and one http), and those 2 monitors' interval are different, in Round Robin Method, if gateway_icmp was probed by prober pool member 1 firstly, then http will probed by member 2 ? and vs2 will Round Robin back to member 1 ?

      thank you.