Forum Discussion

Jim_Araujo_1061's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 28, 2015

Priority Group Activiation all or nothing?

Quick question. If I have two priority groups with two servers each, and I have the activation of the lower priority priority group if less than 2 available. So we have this serverA and serverB are PrioirtyGroup 10, serverY and ServerZ are PriorityGroup 5.


Scenario: Let's say serverA goes offline, thereby activating PriorityGroup 5. My question is, I know serverY and serverZ are activated now, however is serverB still active as well? serverB, serverY, and serverZ are active in the pool?


Sorry for the confusion, but just want some clarification.


  • Yes, the high priority servers will still be active if the are still available and the threshold has been met. So in your scenario, B, Y, and Z will all be active.


  • Yes, the high priority servers will still be active if the are still available and the threshold has been met. So in your scenario, B, Y, and Z will all be active.


  • Yes, the high priority servers will still be active if the are still available and the threshold has been met. So in your scenario, B, Y, and Z will all be active.