Forum Discussion

kCraig87_235347's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 23, 2015

Portal Access to OWA Requires Refresh

Hello, I currently have Portal Access setup to our OWA (Exchange 2013) site and have configured an Client Intiated Forms based SSO profile. For all intensive purposes it works, however on first connection OWA spins it wheels endlessly unless it hit F5 or refresh then OWA opens instantly and as expected. Anyone else experience this behavior before or and hny suggestions of how to resolve this issue?


I followed the instructions in this article: However these instructions are for OWA 2010 but was told they should work for OWA 2013 as well.


  • Hi kCraig87, I am facing same issue. Did you resolve this issue?? Please update me if you have any update on this.


  • Did you try with Form Based ?


    I have a lot issues using SSO - Form Client Initiated.


    • Rohit_Singla_17's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      yeah tried that last week. moving to form based worked well.. used form based sso for owa2010 and just used the login uri as /owa/auth/logon.aspx*