Forum Discussion

iloveniu_38329's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 29, 2009

port443 disconnect every several hours, why

in my application, i used the iControl(.net version) to connect to the f5 host.


but, i found that the session would be disconnected erevy several hours,


the error returned is "can't connect to remote server",why



thaks for your reply!
  • Does it disconnect after several hours when the app is idle?



  • A couple of questions:



    1. Is this a client .Net app or a web based ASP .Net app?



    2. Are you using the iControl .Net assembly?



    I can't think of a reason why this would occur for a windows based app since the iControl calls are completely independent. Each request establishes a new connection with it's own set of credentials. There is no built-in keep-alive connections in the default .Net bindings. I've run load tests for days with my client apps and haven't run into any connection issues.



    The one thing I've seen with web based ASP .Net apps is that there is a known issue in the WebClient code that can cause connection errors if too many parallel requests are made. It doesn't sound like that is your issue but if it is let me know and I'll dig up the Microsoft KB article.



    Can you code your code to catch the exception and retry the request? If so, does that work or are all subsequent requests failing. A "cannot connect" error implies that there is something going on before it gets to the BIG-IP but it's hard to tell without a trace of some sort.



  • it is a client .Net app using iControl.dll(10.0.0)



    the exception.message is "cannot connect to remote server"



    be throwed by getpoolmemberinformation() interface.



    thanks for your reply!
  • I am having an issue when too many parallel request are made. The servers stop responding for a couple moments then start up again. We are using soap



    Can you tell me the MS article you were talking about.
  • I've been digging and I can't seem to find the KB article I referenced. I know it's out there, I just can't remember the search terms I used. I'll post it if I find it again.


