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Vishwanath's avatar
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Apr 27, 2016

Persistence source vs destination

Difference between source address Affinity and destination address affinity persistence ?? Anyone ??


3 Replies

  • Hello,


    The persistence types that you can enable using a persistence profile are:


    Destination address affinity persistence Also known as sticky persistence, destination address affinity persistence supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session requests to the same server based solely on the destination IP address of a packet.


    Source address affinity persistence Also known as simple persistence, source address affinity persistence supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session requests to the same server based solely on the source IP address of a packet.


  • Source IP persistence will make one client (=source) IP address "stick" to one member of your load balancing pool. There are lots of use cases for this scenario, so this is a quite common implementation.


    Destination IP persistence will make all client requests (regardless of their source) that are destined to a certain DESTINATION IP address "stick" to one member of your load balancing pool. There are only few use cases for destination IP persistence. One such use case would be wild card virtuals that use a pool of firewalls as next hop.


  • Hi,


    • Source address affinity uses client address as persistence key.
    • destination address affinity uses server address as persistence key.

    on a VS defined with one destination IP address, if using Destination address affinity, the persistence will use VS address as persistence key. all users will be redirected to the same pool member. This persistence may not be used for server load balancing.


    Destination address affinity is used with forwarding virtual servers balancing connections to different routers in a pool (ex : Link controller). in such deployment, you may want that connections to the same server are routed on the same link.