Forum Discussion

jtlampe's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Mar 10, 2015

PCoIP not passing through APM

We are trying to perform a proof of concept for using the F5 APM with our VMWare view environment. I have used the f5.vmware_view.v1.2.0 iApp in 11.5.1 HF7. We have allowed port 4172 through our firewall all the way through to our connection server and pools. When we have users access the website within the network we have no issues. But when we attempt to access the website from the outside the user can authenticate through to the webtop and see the pools but only receives the black screen of death. I ran a tcpdump for 4172 on both tcp and udp and receive nothing from external clients. We seem to have everything that is listed in the deployment guide but still are not having any luck. Any insight or possible solutions, would not be surprised if I am missing a checkbox somewhere.