Forum Discussion

Mihir_Joshi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 04, 2017

Need understanding of HTTP compression profile.



I have question with HTTP Compression profile.


My LTM running on 12.1.2 where HTTP Compression enable on one of the Virtual Server serving web requests. Web administrator requested us to perform compression on LTM for specific URI only so we added few URI in list. i.e. URL is , we have added /test in URI List. Content Compression is selected as "Not Configured".


So my question is


  1. Whether compression works on not? If it works, it will compress all the content type served under /test/* ?
  2. How LTM behaves for content already received from server in compressed form?

Very limited knowledge with compression hence need some inputs.


I have read F5 online article but still need some clarification.


Thanks in advance.




  • Jeff_Maddox_394's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    1. It will compress the content type listed in the Content List section. By default, the following is enabled: text/ and application(xml|x-javascript)
    2. by default, the accept-encoding header is stripped on the server side, so you should not see compressed traffic. If you check the box "Keep Accept-Encoding", then the servers will do the compression and LTM will pass it through normally.