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dheeraj_334332's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2018

Need to capture start and End timestamp

Hello Team,


Can any one suggest me regarding how to capture end user's session start time and End time in F5 VPN.


I want to know exactly how much time that particular user had maintain his session on ssl vpn.


  • Hi,

    You can find this information in APM Logs.

    In Report:

    • Access ›› Overview : Active Reports
    • Select session wanted regarding user:

    You have this information:

    2018-10-17 10:19:54
    /Common/ap-application:Common:451dffds: Following rule 'Out' from item 'XXXX' to ending 'Allow'
    2018-10-17 10:35:46
    /Common/ap-application:Common:451dffds: Session deleted due to user inactivity.

    With this information you can estimate session duration.

    hope it will help you.


  • Hi,

    Just for info, you have another way to see all session infomation using:

    tmsh show apm access-info all-properties
    Display all access-info? (y/n) y
    Total records returned: 762
    apm access-info dsds92sd {
        access-profile ltm_apm
        egress-compressed 0
        egress-raw 0
        expiration-time 2018-10-17 09:33:17
        ingress-compressed 0
        ingress-raw 0
        logon-user youssef
        partition Common
        profile-access-type all
        rx-bytes 5919
        rx-packets 0
        start-time 2018-10-17 09:18:08
        status established
        tmm 2
        tx-bytes 4385
        tx-packets 0
        virtual-server /Common/vs-app

    You can also see all info regarding session using 'sessiondump --allkeys'. For more info see:

    But in both case you can see just active session info withtout session duration... but it can help
