Forum Discussion

sshirley_335359's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2017

Monitor F5 via SNMP

How can I monitor performance metrics (bits in/out, pkts in/out, connections..etc) on an F5 from NNMi Network Node Managed using snmp.


  • We are using new relic tool to monitor F5. You can configure SNMP as mentioned below.


    1.System ›› SNMP : Agent : Configuration >> add your network monitoring tool IP in client allow list 2. go to System ›› SNMP : Agent : Access (v1, v2c) > and update with type (IPV4) and community string with network monitoring tool IP with required access


    Note: You need to allow F5 IP floating/self IP towards destination IP if any firewalls are present in the path. You need to use same community string on network monitoring server.


  • We are using new relic tool to monitor F5. You can configure SNMP as mentioned below.


    1.System ›› SNMP : Agent : Configuration >> add your network monitoring tool IP in client allow list 2. go to System ›› SNMP : Agent : Access (v1, v2c) > and update with type (IPV4) and community string with network monitoring tool IP with required access


    Note: You need to allow F5 IP floating/self IP towards destination IP if any firewalls are present in the path. You need to use same community string on network monitoring server.