Forum Discussion

  • or6680's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Yes Dear, I succeed only to add string but i need to add string=value


  • Been a while since I've been called dear by a stranger on a technical internet forum. Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling... :)


    You did not answer my question though. Are you using Rest or the iControl PS Snapin by Joe Pruitt? There's also the module by Joel Newton.




  • or6680's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    Thank you so much. This is what i suceed to do so far:


    Initialize- -Hostname -Username admin -Password admin $StringClassA = (Get-;;) ); $ValuesAofA = (Get-($StringClassA); Write-Host "Data Group DNS-DB" Write-Host "IP's:" $StringClassA[0].members Write-Host "Countris" $ValuesAofA[0] $Class = (Get- $StringClass = New-Object -typename iControl.LocalLBClassStringClass $ = "Test" $StringClass.members = (".idscs", ".bsmds") $Class.add_string_class_member((,$StringClass)) $ValueClass = New-Object -typename iControl.LocalLBClassValueClass $ = "Test" $ValueClass.members = ("2", "1") $Class.add_Value_class_member((,$ValueClass)) $Class.get_value_class_list()


    I only succed to add string. Thank you.


  • Yeah, it's a bit tricky. First of all the iControl API calls it class while the Web UI calls it data-group list. Then there is two separate methods to add a new member with a value:

    1. One for adding the member
    2. One for adding the value to the member

    Here's a working concept script to add a member to an existing data group list of type string using the iControl Snapin:

    Allow TLS1.2 if you have forced that on the management interface (and you should)
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Initialize Snapin
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ){
        Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn
    $User = 'user'
    $Password = 'password'
    $Partition = "Common"
    $BigIP = ""
    Connect to the BigIP
    $Success = Initialize-F5.iControl -HostName $BigIP -Username $User -Password $Password
    Get an iControl Handle
    $F5 = Get-F5.iControl
    $f5partitions = $f5.ManagementPartition
    Create a new String class (data group list of type string)
    $entry = New-Object -TypeName iControl.LocalLBClassStringClass
    Which data group list you want to add a member to
    $ = "Mydatagrouplist"
    What is the member name?
    $entry.members = @(,"key")
    What is the value?
    $value = @("value")
    First create the key 
    Then set the value
    $f5.LocalLBClass.set_string_class_member_data_value(@($entry), @($value));

    Hope it helps.
