Forum Discussion

Jeff_Browning_2's avatar
Historic F5 Account
May 10, 2011

Management Pack - Download/Licensing Update

Hi all-



At this time, we’ve decided to stop providing the free Management Pack downloads as well as any new licenses. This is part of a larger plan that we can’t fully share details about at this point. I can say that there is a defined roadmap that has investment, is supported, and looks to offer a better overall solution for our users. Otherwise, we wouldn’t make this decision. (Candidly, I’ve seen the plan and it’s pretty damn cool. But, you’ll have to wait just a little while for more details.)



If you want to be one of the first to be notified when we can share more, we encourage you to fill out this form: (



While we completely understand and appreciate that some folks will be frustrated, we strongly believe that this will lead to a better overall management offering for customers. In the meantime, we’ll be sharing details about migration strategy, support options, and more. But, this is what I can say right now and I hope this helps explain the absence of forum participation.



Bottom line is that we truly appreciate all of the organizations using the Management Pack not to mention community members here at DevCentral. We’re committed to helping as much as we can, in the near and long term, and hope you’ll watch this space for more details. I hope this helps provide at least a little insight at this point. Please feel free to post your questions and we’ll do our best to answer as much as we can.



Best regards,



5 Replies

  • So does that mean the MP, which was offered, will no longer be supported? Will the new solution be free or for charge? Or are the answers to these questions top secret?
  • So does that mean the MP, which was offered, will no longer be supported? Will the new solution be free or for charge? Or are the answers to these questions top secret?
  • What IS the sytatus and roadmap for the Management Pack ?


    Is there any definitive statement of intent from F5 ?
  • George_Moberly1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Expect a post here on August 1 announcing the productized SKU for the F5 Management Pack, for immediate delivery. We expect this to be on the August 1 price list.
  • Dan_Kim_23183's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    We are pleased to announce that we have converted the F5 Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 from a community supported DevCentral download to an orderable offering in the F5 Networks product portfolio. As part of this transition, the product will be fully supported by our world class services organization. Customers can now purchase the management pack just like any other product in the F5 portfolio through our sales or partner organization.




    Please contact your local F5 or F5 partner representative for more information. The price of the Management Pack will be $10,000 US plus support and is shipping now.