Forum Discussion

Effrum's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 12, 2017

Adding new device using remote user

I was unable to find an answer for this, so I wanted to post and ask. We want to manage our F5's using Big IQ, but we want to use a specific user account and not just "admin" or "root" since we regularly change those passwords and don't want to have to delete and re-create the devices from Big IQ each time. I created a user in our remote authentication database and was able to log into each F5 successfully with it, but when I try to add the device in Big IQ it says that the login fails and the device can't be added.


I'm assuming this is because it is attempting to verify the user as a local account and not via the configured remote authentication; however, since the F5's are configured to use remote authentication I can't create a new local account to use. Is there a way to either force creation of the local account or to configure Big IQ to verify the management credentials against the remote database?


Any help is much appreciated.


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