Forum Discussion

John_Masgalas_4's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2007

Load balancing terminal servers w/o Session Directory

We are having trouble with load balancing 2 terminal servers without Session Directory enabled. User will disconnect. When they log on again the big ip will not always send them to the same server so they get a different session.



We have bigip version 9.2.4


I have a virtual server setup to load balance a pool using msrdp persistence. I also have Session Directory Enabled unchecked in the persistence profile.



The are connecting via thin clients using the 2X software to establish their rdp session. 2x uses a regular rdp session however all they see is a full screen logon screen with no other options. They use their network logon and get sent to the virtual server. This should be working correctly, shouldn't it? We did test before going live and it was working fine.



I know our other option is to enable session directory. Since I have not done this before, would it impact the users? These servers are live so I do not want to knock everyone out.


