Forum Discussion

opers13_3280's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2009

LDAP configuration

I'm in the process of configuring LDAP on the F5.



Do I have to create an account in AD for the F5 so it can search LDAP??



  • Could you clarify what you mean by "configuring LDAP"? Does this mean you are trying to configure it so that users can authenticate with Active Directory credentials, or something else? You also might want to post what software version you are running.
  • As SMP suggested, it would help if you could clarify whether you want to configure client or admin authentication.



    For admin auth, I've tested this config successfully on 9.4.8:



    Auth method: Remote Active Directory Auth




    Port: 389


    Remote Dir Tree: OU=Admin User Accounts, OU=UserAccounts, DC=my_subdomain, DC=my_domain, DC=my_tld


    Scope: sub


    Bind account: readonly_account@my_subdomain.my_domain.my_tld (not sure this is required if you can use the "User Template" configuration for authentication)


    User Template: %s@my_subomdian.my_domain.my_tld


    SSL: Disabled





  • sorry for the lack of information.



    I'm trying to configure LDAP for client authentication against AD.


    Do I need to configure a service account in AD for the F5?



    BIG-IP 9.4.6 Build 401.0 Final






  • I am also trying to integrate the F5 with AD for Management user (admin ) authentication. I am getting below error



    Mar 6 13:12:56 F5device httpd[25036]: pam_ldap: error trying to bind (Invalid credentials)


    Mar 6 13:12:56 F5device httpd(pam_unix)[25036]: authentication failure; logname= uid=48 euid=48 tty= ruser= rhost= user=XXXX


    Mar 6 13:12:59 F5device httpd[25036]: [error] [client] AUTHCACHE PAM: user 'XXXX' - not authenticated: Authentication failure, referer:




    I am using below version



    :Active] config b version




    Linux 2.4.21-




    BIG-IP Version 9.3.1 66.0


    Hotfix HF5 Edition



    My ldap config looks like below (/etc/ldap.conf)





    base OU=Service,OU=PBUsers,DC=subdomain1,DC=domain,DC=global,DC=pvt


    ldap_version 3




    bindpw passowrd


    port 389


    scope sub


    timelimit 30


    bind_timelimit 30


    idle_timelimit 3600


    pam_login_attribute uid


    pam_check_host_attr no


    usertemplate uid=%s,OU=PBUsers,DC=usdby1-pbiadp01,DC=pbi,DC=global,DC=pvt


  • Nagesh, your error is giving you invalid credentials. I'd double check your DN and password for your query userid. Also, check your "usertemplate" definition. I'm not running version 9 so I can't say for certain.



    Opers13, Yes. You do need an ID that has privileges to query your AD structure and verify users.



    Here is a sample of the sections in our bigip.conf file that show remote roles for specific groups for admin and operators. Our generic login lets anyone come in as a guest. This allows us to specify remote groups with enhanced privileges.



    remoterole {


    role info {


    ltm_admins {


    attribute "memberOf=CN=ltm_admins,CN=Groups,DC=ad,DC=redmond,DC=microsoft"


    line order 1000


    role "administrator"


    user partition "all"




    ltm_operators {


    attribute "memberOf=CN=ltm_operators,CN=Groups,DC=ad,DC=redmod,DC=microsoft"


    line order 1010


    role "operator"


    user partition "all"









    auth ldap system-auth {


    search base dn "dc=ad,dc=redmond,dc=microsoft"


    bind dn "cn=adsearch,cn=users,dc=ad,dc=redmond,dc=microsoft"


    bind pw "ourawesomesecretpassword"


    login attr "uid"


    user template ""


    servers ""






    I'm not a Microsoft employee and the above information are just for examples.


