Forum Discussion

JD1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jul 19, 2019

Is it possibe to update entries on an iRule data-group from an iRule

Scenario is, I'm using GFA in APM with irule data-groups as the look up source for the GFA secret keys per user.


However, I'd like to allow users to enroll but I'm unsure if I can allow update of entries from an iRule.


Is it possible?


Many thanks,


  • Hello.


    iRules are executed in data plane scope and to modify data-groups is part of the control-plane scope.


    It's not the best choice to run control-plane tasks from a data-plane because of the performance (many data-plane tasks could be executing at the same time as only one control-plane task).


    That said, you can trigger an iCall from an iRule to modify the data-group configuration. Some examples:




  • Hello.


    iRules are executed in data plane scope and to modify data-groups is part of the control-plane scope.


    It's not the best choice to run control-plane tasks from a data-plane because of the performance (many data-plane tasks could be executing at the same time as only one control-plane task).


    That said, you can trigger an iCall from an iRule to modify the data-group configuration. Some examples:




    • JD1's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thanks for the answer.

      To be honest, I'd rather not modify the data-groups from irule, I just wondered if it was possible.

      This answers that perfectly and with good reason not to (performance hits).

      I can also think it'd be discouraged for security concerns as well.