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SV2022's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Feb 21, 2024

Irule Table lookup

when http request{

 set tls_cache_table "tls_cache_[virtual name]_[IP::client_addr]_[SSL::sessionid]

[table lookup $tls_cache_table] == 1 }{
        set tlsenforce_allow 1


i have not posted the complete URL

i suppose the output for set would be tls_cache_example_vs_192.168.1.100_abcd1234.

but in next line i could see we have a lookup for the above output with value = 1.


what does it mean 

  • It checks if there if $tls_cache_table is equal to 1.

    Check the example iRule below.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set entry "entry_1"
        set entry2 "entry_2"
        # add entry2 to table
        table set $entry 1
        table set $entry2 "somevalue"
        if { [table lookup $entry] == 1 }{
            log local0. "Entry $entry found and equals 1"
        else {
            log local0. "Entry $entry not found or doesn't equal 1"
        if { [table lookup $entry2] == 1 }{
            log local0. "Entry $entry2 found and equals 1"
        else {
            log local0. "Entry $entry2 not found or doesn't equal 1"

    And the below output.

    Feb 25 10:46:24 bigipa info tmm[11337]: Rule /Common/irule_table <HTTP_REQUEST>: Entry entry_1 found and equals 1
    Feb 25 10:46:24 bigipa info tmm[11337]: Rule /Common/irule_table <HTTP_REQUEST>: Entry entry_2 not found or doesn't equal 1
  • It checks if there if $tls_cache_table is equal to 1.

    Check the example iRule below.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set entry "entry_1"
        set entry2 "entry_2"
        # add entry2 to table
        table set $entry 1
        table set $entry2 "somevalue"
        if { [table lookup $entry] == 1 }{
            log local0. "Entry $entry found and equals 1"
        else {
            log local0. "Entry $entry not found or doesn't equal 1"
        if { [table lookup $entry2] == 1 }{
            log local0. "Entry $entry2 found and equals 1"
        else {
            log local0. "Entry $entry2 not found or doesn't equal 1"

    And the below output.

    Feb 25 10:46:24 bigipa info tmm[11337]: Rule /Common/irule_table <HTTP_REQUEST>: Entry entry_1 found and equals 1
    Feb 25 10:46:24 bigipa info tmm[11337]: Rule /Common/irule_table <HTTP_REQUEST>: Entry entry_2 not found or doesn't equal 1
    • SV2022's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Hi ,


      thank you.. i do not see table set in out i don't think it is actually functioning.

      what if there are 2 events in single irule client_accepted and followed by HTTP_Request in single irule.

      when clinet_accepted{


      Priority 10

      when HTTP_request




      which will be executed first? .I have an understanding that priority will work only when we have multiple irules in single VS and it will not work within a single IRULE