Forum Discussion

MiguelBain12's avatar
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Mar 18, 2020

Irule Stream add text 60f



I added a irule with stream profile default on the virtual server, however, the application display 60f on the TOP the web browser, the configuration on the irule is:



   if { [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {

        HTTP::redirect ""


   else {






   if { [HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"} {

       STREAM::expression ""



   else {





you have idea of the problem, thanks for advanced

  • Hi everyone, i opened support case and they told me to change the value of the variable avr.cspm.inject.location of "at_the_end" to "after_head", i applied of command tmsh modify sys db avr.cspm.inject.location { value after_head } and its works

  • In order to help, more information is needed. What is the application, since "60f" is an application related error.


    Overall, the iRule is straight-forward in functionality.


    -I see that you are running Apache 2.4.39

  • Hi Shaun, the application is Tomcat, i find the problem, when configure a virtual server with a stream profile and http analytics profile, appear the string 60f on the top of web browser, you have idea why this happens?


  • Would you be able to post a screen capture as a reply, using the paperclip? --You can crop the area that shows the "60f".


    -Being that you are using Tomcat, the application seems to be more than just a 443 webpage, requiring a few more details to how the application works.

  • I've just ran into the same issue - disconnecting the web_analytics profile from the virtual server fixed it. Not quite sure yet what caused it, but here are some details of my system, in case it helps anyone else;

    • Just upgraded to v15.1.0.2 (no issues with the same configuration under v14.1.2.1)
    • VS has an HTTP profile, as well as SSL offloading, and an iRule and Local Traffic Policy
    • Another VS with a standard pool and no funky iRules/LTP's, but WITH web_analytics profile, did not show the same problem.

    If I find out anything else, I'll update this post.