Forum Discussion

markymark_30996's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 05, 2018

irule for port redirection smtp

I'd like to look for solutions for configuring LB for Exchange and to redirect ports 25 to 26/27 (smtp traffic). Currently there are 2 VIPs listening on port 25 on the load balancer.


The first one needs to be redirected to port 26 (internal relay only) The other one needs to be redirected to port 27 (internal/external)


Would an iRule approach helpful for this one?


  • Hi,


    You are talking about port translation? not a redirect that's right.


    All you'd need to do is create a Virtual Server listening on the IP you want on port 25, and then have the pool it points to have pool members listening on port 26/27...


    let me now if it's clear...