Forum Discussion

Sekhar's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 03, 2015

Invalid response SMTP server



We are using 11.4.1 HF8 on a 4200 BIG-IP. I am trying to configure email alerts for snmp traps using user_alert.conf. When I am trying to send a test mail using echo "ssmtp test" | mail -vs "test mail" it is giving me Invalid response SMTP server. Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong and how can I fix this.






  • Sekhar's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi Nitaas,


    I found the issue to be a firewall blocking the traffic. I have successfully set up email alerts by allowing them to pass through firewall and added the email information to the existing traps in the alert.conf. But my problem is I'm constantly getting emails telling me the nodes are up and down every couple of minutes. Is there a timeout I can raise so I can make the alerts valid? For Example: If node or pool is down for more than 30 seconds>send email??



