Forum Discussion

Maikel_Mantilla's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 27, 2018

Internet Explorer This page is accessing information that is not under its control



We recently enabled SSL offloading for an application. Intermittently the users are receiving the warning error shown in the picture by Internet Explorer when accessing certain forms. Do any of you have bumped before with something like this. I have the feeling that the application is calling a different domain name in the back-end to reach information and therefore Internet Explorer is warning about it but I would like to know if there is a way to prevent this by using a URI re-write or any other method. Can I get some recommendations on where to continue looking or maybe a way that you have used to fix this?


Thank you.



  • Hi,


    You can activate developer tools (F12 key) on Internet Explorer to first check requested http resources.


    Then, you can use stream profiles and irules to rewrite content


    Don’t forget to rewrite also Location headers in redirect response.


    Sure you can find the needed configuration in the devcentral code share