Forum Discussion

soymanue's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 21, 2014

Importing APM 11.3 Access Profile to 11.4 APM

Hello I'm trying to import an access profile that has been exported from a 11.3 APM. We need to do it in order to check that the Profile will run properly after we upgrade. The import process fails with all the profiles I've tried. It always show a similar error: Import Error: /shared/tmp/import/imp-140121-141624-954/access_profile.conf doesn't exist.


This doesn't happen when I import an 11.4 Access Profile. Isn't it possible to import a previous version profile? Is there any way to convert it?


  • Let me know if you succeed. The profile is converted if you upgrade the device. But, I still haven't been able to export a 11.3 APM Profile to a different APM running 11.4.1HF2
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    FWIW, I can duplicate this issue when trying to import an APM profile that was exported from 11.2.1


    I did consider importing into a Lab/VE and then upgrading the VE... But it may simply be quicker for me to re-create the profiles... Most of mine would benefit from being rebuilt anyway, because of changes to the VPE built-in macros, additional features (VMWare View Desktops) and APM profile syncing...




  • I had the same issue. Solved it by manually inspecting/modifying names of objects in the exported file (conf). Some links to files (especially if you have customization) are broken. Generally, the export/import function is poorly designed, as we cannot have same/consistent naming of objects between the exported and imported policy. If you look in the conf file you'll see how they prefix the object names with variables but do not do it for file objects.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Yeah... Money seems to go into the product actually working, rather than the bells & whistles of the admin interface...


    While extremely annoying at the time and prone to making me curse with frustration frequently, I'm not sure I disagree with that strategy... After all I'd rather the core product worked (Like it does, almost without exception, there's a few edge cases there you could argue about) than the interface looking and working great, yet the thing fell over every day... I'd be hard pressed to argue that F5 had this the wrong way round at the moment.


    And where the core functionality does have issues, F5 are pretty damn good at fixing them and providing the fixes (Even 1 off engineering fixes. Hats off to the guys who do this BTW)


    But it would be nice to have the admin interface be a little nicer, more consistent and handle easy compute tasks for me rather than working against me (e.g. Moving objects between partitions. Being able to move between partitions easily as admin, changing names of objects, or IP's of selfIP's etc)




  • Manuel, any way you managed to import the apm policy from 11.3 to 11.4 (and 11.5, same issue) then ?


    Thanks, Nicola


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Sometimes if you can note down the error and edit the relevant config in the conf file you can get over..


    unzip the file make the necessary amendments, zip it back and import.. and sometimes it's not straightforward esp if imported it across different partitions and RDs