Forum Discussion

Jorgef5_168173's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 21, 2016

I2C bus check timeout : I2C SFP operation failed: dev:0xXX at :xxx, errmsg(Operation timed out)

Hi all.


I found this error on 6900S (D104 - version 11.2):


"err bcm56xxd[6160]: 012c0011:3: I2C SFP operation failed: dev:0xe8 at :274, errmsg(Operation timed out)"


Anyone knows where to find an official explanation?


I read this post:


"This specific error is benign. bcm56xxd has a thread that checks every 5 seconds to see if there is any units plugged or unplugged on all the SFP and XFP ports by accessing the GPIO pins attached to these SFP/XFP ports via the I2C bus.


The plug check does not disrupt the traffic flow on an existing port.


If the system is busy some I2C operation may time out as the I2C bus becomes overloaded"


It is a good description but my customer wants an official KB or issue ID to justify this.


Thanks in advance!




  • I think you need to open a case and request it from F5. There isn't any KB for this as far as I can search.