Forum Discussion

xunil321_122934's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2016

HTTP Explicit Proxy and http requests

Dear all,   we have used this iApp (   to install an explicit proxy under 11.5.1 HF7 where the client's browser is pointing   to this ...
  • JamesSevedge_23's avatar
    Aug 03, 2016

    Ah, so the difference here is in how explicit proxy handles http vs. https. Https traffic is in fact sent into the tunnel to be picked up by a wildcard virtual server as you discovered, however http traffic is sent directly to the end web server requested using routing specified under network->routes. As far as forcing non-encrypted http traffic to hit that virtual server requires some irule manipulation to accomplish that. A simpler strategy then trying to "virtual" the connection over to wildcard vs is in the HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST method on the explicit proxy VS you could run some of that same logic and block connections based on uri and/or ip right there.