Forum Discussion

LoneWolf00_2707's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 13, 2016

How to use a different port for HTTPS monitor

Does anyone know how to create an HTTPS monitor that uses a different port instead of 443. Is it possible?


  • Hi,


    you create a new health monitor (type https) and change the "Alias Service Port" setting of the health monitor to fit your port requirement.


  • Hi,


    you create a new health monitor (type https) and change the "Alias Service Port" setting of the health monitor to fit your port requirement.


    • LoneWolf00_2707's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you. Do you by any chance knows the TMSH cli syntax for creating this alias service port. I looked at the tmsh reference guide, but couldn't find anything relating to the alias service port.
    • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      Yes aure, you can use the option "destination *:8080" in the tmsh cli. Change 8080 by the port you need to apply
    • tatmotiv's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      BTW, since I'm not sure if this is clear to you: You only need to specify the non-default port in the monitor if monitoring a different port than the one the pool member is configured for. So, if the non-default port to be monitored (e.g. 8443) is also configured in your pool member definition (meaning that load balanced traffic is directed to that port), you do not need to define the destination as described above. Leaving the destination of the monitor defined as "*:*" would be OK in this case, since it means: "use the same port for monitoring that is configured in the pool member definition".
  • Hi,


    you create a new health monitor (type https) and change the "Alias Service Port" setting of the health monitor to fit your port requirement.


    • LoneWolf00_2707's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you. Do you by any chance knows the TMSH cli syntax for creating this alias service port. I looked at the tmsh reference guide, but couldn't find anything relating to the alias service port.
    • Yann_Desmarest's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Yes aure, you can use the option "destination *:8080" in the tmsh cli. Change 8080 by the port you need to apply
    • tatmotiv's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      BTW, since I'm not sure if this is clear to you: You only need to specify the non-default port in the monitor if monitoring a different port than the one the pool member is configured for. So, if the non-default port to be monitored (e.g. 8443) is also configured in your pool member definition (meaning that load balanced traffic is directed to that port), you do not need to define the destination as described above. Leaving the destination of the monitor defined as "*:*" would be OK in this case, since it means: "use the same port for monitoring that is configured in the pool member definition".