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bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2014

Home f5 virtual lab NIC issues

Hey guys,


I am having issues setting up home a lab using virtualbox (as I run linux - ubuntu) on my desktop. I want to create a 2nd interface on the VM (eht1) but for some reason bigip will not assign an ip even when bridging is used on that interface.


I have eth0 setup as a host only adaptor for the management interface which I do obtain an IP and can access the web interface to start the install process. I want the 2nd NIC so I create separate vlans of it with other vms


any help is appreciated




  • Yes, the first available interface will be mapped to eth0 of your BIG-IP VM and the next ones will show up in your VM as 1.1, 1.2 etc.


    As all virtual interfaces are provided by the hypervisor you can access them from the hypervisor as well. I´m mapping the multiple VMs internally to the same virtual network interfaces. This allows traffic between your VMs. In addition I use a Debian VM to provide services as LDAP, RADIUS and others or to use it as a client (cURL, OpenSSL s_client, nc ...). Of course client applications as your different web browsers on desktop can be used this way as well to create requests to virtual servers.


    In case I want to get access to one of the VMs from an external network I map the virtual network interface to a physical one by the hypervisor. If it´s just about outgoing requests i.e. for NTP sync the NAT mode of a virtual interface will be fine as well.


    Actually I´m using this kind of environment since years. I´m using H/W appliances primarily to test specific HA scenarios, CMP related configs (now possible in VMs as well) and high-throughput scenarios. Everything else works pretty well for me in my BIG-IP VM lab editions.


  • ok good to know my laptop is deprived of memory but have 1TB hard drive..have to upgrade the memory on it.


    great article an info how do you use multiple nics in your VM setup that would segregated you mgmt interface from your web host?




  • I´m running VMware Workstation 9 on a i7 notebook with 32gbyte RAM.


    4 lab licenses bought to run 4 concurrent virtual machines to simulate HA setups and GTM deployments.


    Further I use virtual servers on LTM to emulate real servers.


    Please look up this former post on DC:



  • Hey, since we are the topic of home labs..How do must guys have their labs setup without using hardware what sort of virtualization do you use kvm, virtualbox ? for home labs..Have you guys try to set up an environment similar to what I am trying to achieve with virtualbox?




  • I am pretty sure it supports it. As I had my eth0 interface on the vm set to bridge and was able to obtainan ip prior to allotting bridging to eth1 interface.


    • nathe's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      what's the status of the Interface in the web gui (network - interfaces)?
  • NIC support is version dependent. If you please would specify the TMOS version you want to install, perhaps somebody can provide an answer.


    • nathe's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      oh ok. is the interface UP in the GUI (network - interfaces)? It may actually be uninitialised if not connected to a VLAN.