Forum Discussion

girishb's avatar
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Nov 25, 2019

High Latency on performance L4 type VIP


Server reported that they are facing high latency on performance L4 type VIP which causing the job patching takes lot of time to complete

We checked that VIP is fine and nothing changes were happened on it.


Its performance L4 type vs, Other profiles called under this VIP are default TCP, FastL4 profile.

NO other profiles were used under this VIP. And on TCP dump we did not observed any latency.


Under VIP, four poolmembers are configured.


They says, They face latency issue when they connect via VIP and done see latency whe they directly connect to backend poolmembers from source


Below is trace from source server.. they say.. Latency is constancy increasing (3109ms)




Traceroute from one of source server.

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

 1 ( (AS 65162) 1.796 ms 1.483 ms 1.005 ms

 2 * * ( (AS 65162) 1001.47 ms !H

 3 * * *

 4 * * ( (AS 65162) 1001.06 ms !H

 5 * ( (AS 65162) 997.337 ms !H *

 6 ( (AS 65162) 4564.77 ms !H 3109.66 ms !H



Can anyone help me to from LB perspective, where else can be issue?

4 Replies

  • Obviously 3 sec is considered high latency. Where is your LTM & servers are located, Same DC, different DC's ?

    Always try to choose the LTM from the same DC as of server.

  • yes.. Source servers and both LTM & backend servers are in same DC..


    Do you think lany routing ooping causing this ?

    • Can you run a tracepath from the ltm to the server for our reference.

      Along with the tracepath from Client to LTM & Client to backend server


    admin@(F5-ACTIVE)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# tracepath

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       Too many hops: pmtu 65535

       Resume: pmtu 65535