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geoffrey_112372's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 27, 2009

help with Pool_member set_connection_limit

i have difficulties to set the connection limit for a pool member I try something like this below.

Any help or example would be appreciated. thanks

  $Pool_member= SOAP::Lite   
  -> uri('urn:iControl:LocalLB/PoolMember')    
  -> proxy("https://$BIGIP/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi");  
  @memb =   
  'address' => '',  
  'connection_limit' => 500,  
  $soapResponse = $Pool_member->set_connection_limit  
  SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [$pool]),  
  SOAP::Data->name(limits => [@memberlimit] )  
  • Where is the line:


    SOAP:Data->name(members => [ list of pool members ] that you would need. You have specified the pool, but not which members of that pool.


    You are setting the limit on a pool member, not the entire pool, after all.
  • The API online mention 2 Parameters


    Parameter Type

    pool_names String[]

    limits MemberConnectionLimit [] []

    first parameter is my pool

    the second is an array of array with a struct that describes a member connection limit.

    my member with IP and PORT

    and the connection limit

      // Member with IP and port  
      @memb =   
      'address' => '',    

      // Member with connection limit  
      'connection_limit' => 500,    
  • It works like that, thanks anyway

     $Pool_member= SOAP::Lite  
     -> uri('urn:iControl:LocalLB/PoolMember')   
     -> proxy("https://$BIGIP/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"); 
     'address' => "", 
     'port'=> 0 
     'member' => $memb, 
     'connection_limit' => 500 
     my @t= ($memberlimit); 
     my @tab=[(@t)]; 
     $soapResponse = $Pool_member->set_connection_limit 
     SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [$pool]), 
     SOAP::Data->name(limits => [@tab]) 